Choose Your Hard. The Path Less Traveled Versus The Beaten Path

Michael Zampiglia
3 min readMar 15, 2024
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In life, we’re often faced with decisions that boil down to choosing between two challenges.

This is especially true when considering our career paths and aspirations towards financial independence. The traditional 9–5 job, with its promise of stability, is a well-trodden path but comes with its own set of challenges. On the flip side, venturing into entrepreneurship or starting a one-person online business presents a different kind of hardship. The truth is, both paths are hard. The question then becomes: Which hard do you choose?

The Hard Reality of the Traditional Path

  • Security versus Monotony: The traditional job market offers a semblance of security. However, this comes at the cost of personal freedom, creativity, and, often, happiness. The monotony of daily routines, the lack of control over your time, and the ceiling on your potential earnings are the hard pills to swallow on this path.
  • Stability versus Stagnation: Yes, there’s stability in knowing you have a regular paycheck. But what about growth? The traditional path often leads to stagnation, both professionally and personally. You’re at the mercy of annual raises that barely keep up with inflation, and career advancement opportunities can be scarce and highly competitive.

The Hard Truth About Building a Business

  • Risk versus Reward: Starting your own business is fraught with risk. There’s no guaranteed paycheck at the end of the month, and the fear of failure is a constant companion. Yet, the rewards can be immense. You have the potential for unlimited earnings, personal growth, and the satisfaction of building something from the ground up.
  • Uncertainty versus Freedom: The early days of entrepreneurship are filled with uncertainty. Will your business idea work? Can you make enough to cover your bills? This uncertainty, however, paves the way for freedom. Freedom to set your own schedule, to pursue work that you’re passionate about, and to live life on your own terms.

So, Choose Your Hard

The Case for Sticking to the Traditional Path

If you thrive on predictability and find comfort in routine, the traditional path might be the ‘hard’ you choose. It’s a valid choice, especially if you value the apparent security it offers and are willing to navigate the challenges it presents to find satisfaction within its constraints.

The Case for Building a Business

For those with a fierce independent streak, a thirst for challenge, and a desire to carve out their own destiny, starting a business is the ‘hard’ worth choosing. It’s a leap into the unknown, but it’s also a step towards a life where you define success on your own terms.

Making the Choice and Sticking to It

Choosing your hard is just the beginning. The key to success, regardless of the path you choose, is commitment. Here are a few strategies to help you stick to your chosen path:

  • Embrace the Journey: Understand that there will be ups and downs. Embrace them as part of the growth process.
  • Stay Focused: Keep your eyes on your long-term goals. Short-term setbacks are just that — short-term.
  • Continuously Learn: Whether you’re climbing the corporate ladder or building a business, continuous learning and adaptation are your best strategies for success.
  • Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with people who understand and support your journey. Whether it’s mentors, like-minded peers, or a supportive family, a strong network can be a source of strength and guidance.

Conclusion: It’s Your Choice, Make It Count

At the end of the day, whether you choose the security of a traditional career or the freedom of entrepreneurship, you’re choosing a path filled with challenges. But remember, choosing your hard is about recognizing which set of challenges aligns with your values, goals, and vision for your life. Once you’ve made that choice, commit to it fully, because the greatest achievements often come from the hardest journeys.

So, what’s it going to be? Choose your hard, then stick to it with everything you’ve got.



Michael Zampiglia

Affiliate Marketer | Entrepreneur | | Personal Development | Make Money Online